Make a paste with baking soda and water, then apply to the nail
Conclusive results are obtained with this type of treatment.
We treat skin mycosis with topical antifungals.
Hyperkeratosis Treatment: Calluses, Corns and Calluses
Thinning of calluses.
Thinning of calluses.
Removal of corns.
Treatment of plantar warts
In the clinic, plantar warts are treated with Cantharone
Thinning of thick nails
With precise tools, thick nails are thinned which allows to easily cut the nails and clean them thoroughly
Ingrown toenail care
An ingrown toenail occurs when the nail grows into the skin of the toe, which creates a conflict between the nail and the skin. This problem begins with a simple sensitivity, feeling of a slight pressure to the touch, to end, if not treated, with an inflammatory reaction: pain, redness, heat, swelling.
The treatment consists of freeing the nail and removing the piece of the nail embedded in the skin.
Cutting problematic nails
Teaching and advice
Treatment of fungi
Nursing care
Care offered
Injection of medications:
Bring your injectable medication (Fragmin, prolia, Depo-provera, etc. in its packaging and your medical prescription
Ear irrigation
You have a plug of earwax caused by the accumulation of unpleasantness in your ear. First, we examine your ear using an otoscope to see the ear canal. We ask you if there are any contraindications related to ear irrigation.
The treatment consists of sending water into the ear to dislodge the plug of earwax. You do not need a medical prescription to receive this treatment.
To optimize the washing, we recommend that you apply 2 drops of mineral oil or olive oil to your ear at bedtime, 4 to 7 days before your appointment.